Frequently asked questions
What platforms are supported by Dedicated Server Kit?
On the server side, Dedicated Server Kit will run on any platform supporting the latest version of the Go programming language, the latest version of the MySQL database and running the latest version of Mirror as a server.
On the client side, Dedicated Server Kit will run on any platform that supports running the latest version of Mirror as a client.
Please note we have not tested the kit with WebGL yet. We will update this section once we do so.
What is the minimum Unity version required by the demo included in the kit?
The demo requires using Unity 2021.3.19 LTS or higher.
Do I need a knowledge of programming and network programming in order to be able to use the kit?
Do I need a knowledge of server administration in order to be able to use the kit?
Yes. You are responsible for deploying your game to your servers (your own or hosted by a third-party), so a knowledge of server administration is definitely required on your end. Please note that we do not provide technical support for deployment issues.
Do I need a knowledge of Go and MySQL in order to be able to use the kit?
Yes. Dedicated Server Kit is written in Go and uses a MySQL database. This means it is a strict requirement on your end to have a fundamental knowledge of both tools if you intend to use the kit. Please note we do not cover the installation of these tools on your machine in this documentation and assume a working installation on your end. Also, please note that we do not provide technical support for issues related to Go or MySQL.
If I purchase the kit, will you also provide the hosting for my game?
No. You are responsible for setting up and paying for the hosting of your servers. Dedicated Server Kit only provides the foundational backend code to help build your infrastructure. Please note that we do not provide technical support for deployment issues.
Will Dedicated Server Kit help me with programming the logic of my multiplayer game?
No. Dedicated Server Kit is specifically focused on the backend side of things. Helping with the game logic itself (and related aspects such as client-side prediction or entity interpolation) is therefore completely outside the scope of the kit. Please note that we do not provide technical support for issues related to the logic of your game.
How many players does Dedicated Server Kit support?
This is a question that cannot possibly be answered in a general, definitive way. There are no hardcoded limits on the kit itself, but the actual number will depend on several game-specific considerations such as the network bandwidth usage of your game, the capabilities of your server and any limitations inherent to Mirror.